The European HyMantoValley project officially started at the beginning of September, presented at the Casa del Mantegna in Mantua while awaiting the first partnership meeting which will be held, again in Mantua, from 2nd to 4th October.
The initiative lasts 3 years and involves 16 partners from 4 European nations: Italy, the most represented, Austria, Belgium and Netherlands. Participating in the project, alongside public bodies, are private entities specialized in energy production and storage, logistics companies, universities and research centers among the most important at an Italian and international level.
“HyMantoValley – explained the president of the Province of Mantua Carlo Bottani – is part of a much broader program which envisages making the territory of the province of Mantua the first and largest hydrogen valley in Italy, one of the first in Europe with a total investment which will reach approximately 100 million euros”.
HyMantoValley foresees total investments of around 9 million euros and is 70% co-financed by the European Union through the I3 Interregional Innovation Investments Program – Investments for interregional innovation, managed by EISMEA – Executive Agency of the European Council for Innovation and small and medium-sized enterprises.
The aim of the project is to develop some aspects of the Hydrogen Valley of Mantua, optimizing the production and storage of renewable electricity, the conversion into green hydrogen, its distribution and storage and the multiple virtuous uses that the logistics hub of Valdaro can offer, such as direct use to power trains, ships and heavy road vehicles. The study of dedicated business models, new possible users and the replicability of the model in other European realities, as well as the creation of a hydrogen research hub complete the project activities.
source: Hydronews