HyMantoValley - Hydrogen Valley Mantova

Province of Mantova

Province of Mantova

Province of Mantova (Coordinator) is an administrative body of intermediate level between a municipality (comune) and the Lombardy Region. The main functions devolved to the Province include local planning and zoning (including energy matters and transport’s themes), fire services, secondary school, and maintenance of local roads. Recent activities have been focusing on the rehabilitation of former industrial areas and on the development of a logistic area which include a naval port connected to the Adriatic Sea and a railway terminal connected to the main North-South European backbone, both serving food, oil, chemical and heavy industries. The province has a longstanding experience coordinating and participating to European and National projects with a dedicated office. Within their public responsibility on energy management, the Province of Mantova is an active player of the Mantova Hydrogen Valley project keeping relationships with other public institutions such as Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Mantova, as well as acting on energy themes through AGIRE and being involved in public transport with APAM. The Province of Mantova is facilitating links with all other stakeholders, like the local education actors (Politecnico di Milano and Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia). Moreover, they have facilitated the discussion with relevant private actors directly involved in activities linked with green hydrogen, such as renewable energy producers, like RenHive, and which are currently planning to supply renewable energy to the hydrogen plant. Province of Mantova will act as the coordinator, supported by AGIRE.

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